UnYielded: Thriving No Matter What

Are you Operating From Love or Fear?

September 29, 2021 Bobbi Kahler
UnYielded: Thriving No Matter What
Are you Operating From Love or Fear?
Show Notes

Most of us desire to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. However, no one ever knows when we will discover our life’s purpose. Finally, however, there comes the point in our lives where we find it out, on our own. My guests today are two gentlemen who help the entrepreneurs in living out their purpose and legacy. Nikhil Agharkar, a serial entrepreneur and business development executive, and Casey Berman, entrepreneurial strategy executive, researcher, and a former attorney, join us today to discuss how to figure out your North Star and why that matters while ensuring that you are not just creating a hamster wheel for yourself.

Inner Voice – Nick and Casey share their perspective of the inner voice they heard at one point in their lives. However, as they say, only a very few dare to let it in, although it is hard to deny. 

Love and Fear - According to Casey, the decisions we take are choices between love and fear. He defines fear as the absence of love. Moreover, he emphasizes that a choice from a place of love is more potent than a choice from a place of fear. 

Changing Gears - Casey and Nick share their life experiences and talk about when and how they heard their inner voices and what changes they made in their lives after that.

Childhood and the Parents - Nick talks about his childhood and the impact he had on his inner voice by his mother.  He highlights the influence that a child gets during his childhood by their parents and its significant impact on their future decisions. 

Say No - Nick stresses the value of saying no to opportunities if they do not tally with your way. Then, we talked about how important it can be in business as well as in life. 

Understand the Vision and Mission - Casey and Nick discuss how they help their clients to understand their vision and mission. Furthermore, they emphasize the importance of saying no to opportunities that do not decently match your vision.

Question Yourself – Casey pointed out the necessity of questioning yourself to make a great decision. According to him, giving yourself a chance and time to think and analyze always leads to better choices. On the other hand, as Nick says, it is not a wise decision to respond immediately. Instead, we need to give ourselves some time to think deeply and dive into the decision before us. 

Heart-Centered Decisions – Casey spotlights the power of heart-centered choices. He asks us to imagine ourselves saying yes or and then asks us to analyze the feelings. Then, if we feel at peace with the decision, such a decision is right for us.



Connect with Nikhil Agharkar & Casey Berman:

Nikhil Agharkar: linkedin.com/in/nikhil-agharkar-0748571

Casey Berman: linkedin.com/in/caseybermansf

Website: DAMCO Consulting: damcoconsulting.com



Mentioned in the Episode

Rich Dad and Poor Dad:

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